Buy One Get One Free Calculator

BOGOF Items With Different Prices


Calculate the sale price for a Buy One Get One Free sale for different priced items. For example when purchasing two pairs of pants, one pair is priced at $69.99 and the other has a different price of $49.99.

For same priced items, use the Buy One Get One Free: Equal Priced Items Calculator. However, this calculator can be used for same priced items. Simply enter the same price for item #1 and #2.

Note: Buy One Get One Free is also known as BOGOF.

Buy One Get One Free: Different Priced Items

Input: Regular Price

Note: Item #2 is the free item. Typically, Item #2 has the lower price.


Regular Price Item #1 $69.99
Regular Price Item #2 $49.99
Regular Price Both Items $119.98
BOGO Price Item #1 $69.99
BOGO Price Item #2 $0.00
BOGO Price Both Items $69.99
Total Savings $49.99
Actual Percent Savings 41.47%


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  1. Enter the regular price for Item #1.
  2. Enter the regular price for Item #2.
  3. Observe the solution. Note, the calculations are updated after any input value is changed.


  1. Regular Price Item #1 - Price of Item #1 without any discounts.
  2. Regular Price Item #2 - Price of Item #2 without any discounts.
  3. Regular Price Both Items - The total combined prices of items #1 and #2. without the BOGO discount.
  4. BOGO Price Item #1 - Price of Item #1 with the BOGO discount. Note, this is is still paid for at full price.
  5. BOGO Price Item #2 - Price of Item #2 with the BOGO discount.
  6. BOGO Price Both Items - The total sale prices of items #1 and #2.
  7. Total Savings- The amount of money saved using the discount.
  8. Actual Percent Savings - The true percentage of the discount.

What is BOGO

BOGO in an acronym for Buy One Get One. When purchasing two items, the first item is paid for at full cost. The second item is then given for free or at a discount.

BOGO is a marketing term used by many retailers. Typically, this type of sale or coupon can be seen in clothing, jewelry and shoe sales. In addition, cruise vacation lines use the term quite often. Even car dealerships have BOGO sales. However, the second car has a value much less than the first automobile.

There are several types of BOGO sales. Common types are listed below. Note, in all cases the first item is paid for at full price.

  1. Buy One Get One Free (BOGOF): The second item is free. The maximum savings for this type of sale is 50% off. This occurs when both items have the same price.
  2. Buy One Get One Half Off (BOGOHO): The second item is sold at half off the regular price. The maximum savings for this type of sale is 25% off. This occurs when both items have identical prices.
  3. Buy One Get One X Percent Off: The second item is sold with a percentage discount. For example, Buy One Pair and Get the Second 75% OFF.